

i love Halloween except for the scary masks and creeps :D
i am so excited. tonight me and my sister are going to see two little kids we babysit and have dinner with them and then are going trick or treating. so excited i hope i get 
kit kat: 



and much much more:

i love candy :D i hope every one has a spooky Halloween!
hailey bop.


to do's for weekend :D

i have heard on lots of blogs that people share to do's or menu's for the week(end) or crafts that they want to accomplish during the week or weekend and i just love it so here i go beginning my first to do list for the weekends
the sun is setting on today and will rise on tomorrow :D
to do's:
homework: math, German, English, and photography project
make cake pops for Halloween (to get into mood and for all friends :D)
get costume : going to be a Egyptian princess i think or maybe it's Athena idk :)
go to moms friends house sat.
confirm photography sessions and give out info
call my buddy aub.
do micro shot
Sunday prep and finish HW for Monday and start new bible study
get and set up stops and outfits for sessions
get out decorations for room
photograph room for this blog
work on sewing project

so much but i think i can make it fun :D have fun breaks and movie nights :D
xoxxoxoxoxo and  to do's to all
hailey bop. :D 


more..... cakes!!!!!!

last night at 11:12 we got up from playing a game to make and decorate cakes. i won't bore you to death with all the details again so here is the ending result(by the way we finally went to bed at about 2:10ish)

melly's cake she decorated this one and took her time :D great job!

this one was made by me and powlola we did ok? good job!! :)
 my own personal cake
so pretty!
we had a blast i think that instead of school, we should all stay at home and make cakes!!!
cake and frosting to all
hailey bop.


please send some love

i wish that things like this never had to happen but, she is clearly a miracle and very special little girl!!! if you have a little girl or will please read!!!
here is a link to this wonderful and blessed story!

 love and blessings to all
hailey bop.


i love playing around!

it is so much fun to play around with my photos! so here are some i have done and absolutly love:

so mad they stopped uploading :D so more to come soon!!!'
happy clicking 
hailey bop.


make, make, make a cake!

ok so today i was so excited i made a cake !!!!!! it turned out fabulous!!!!!!!! :D 
so to start you must get your "supplies" : mixer, bowl, measuring cups, spoon :)

 and the mix, eggs, oil, and water
then you mix it all together:

make sure to spray the pan first, then you can pour the mixture into the pan!


and then once full! you put in oven!!! the oven should be pre-heated to 350 :) and put it in for about 40 min. every cake is different!

then when done, take out and let cool for 30 min. the proceed to put into fridge for 45min.

then you put a thin layer of frosting onto the cake!

then you can set that aside and get your fondant ready. so place fondant into microwave for 10 seconds and it depends on how much fondant you put in. :D

then you can get out a "roller" and a pad to cover the surface with and the cover that pad with flour! 

then you can roll it out thin but not too thin and then apply to cake

then you can use a pizza cutter to trim the edges! then i added color with our duff graffiti paint!!

then i added some more fondant and made differ shapes and came up with this finial cake:

yummy, here are the supplies i used you can get them at your local Michael's or Safeway!!!

making cakes is super fun!!!! i love it and yes, you do get messy but still it is super fun and in the end very delicious ! i used chocolate chip spice cake mix!!

happy cakes to all
hailey bop. :D