

So i have always tried to do these photo challenges for like 10-30 days in a row and I have never been able to complete them....I just can't remember.
But, not this time, NO!! I am determined to finish and complete this photography challenge. I ave decided to post it on this blog instead of my photography blog because, I know that you guys will more likely comment, enjoy, and maybe even join in if I post it on this bloggy poo.
So here are the challenges:
I am super excited to start it!! I hope my readers, with blogs, will join in and help me stay on track plus it would be a lot more fun to see what you guys come up with as well, each day! I hope you all enjoy it!!
{Any of my Instagram friends out there, i will also be posting them on there!}
Please join in the count down to day 30 and :) a little feeling of accomplishment for me!!
I want to leave you with this one little quote I added to one of my photographs...
Hailey bop.:)
{here is a HTML that you can add to your blog if you choose to join me in the 30 day challange:
<a href=”http://www.whitepeachphoto.com/2011/05/25/photography_challenge/” mce_href=”http://www.whitepeachphoto.com/2011/05/25/photography_challenge/” target=”_blank”><img alt=”White Peach Photo” height=”125″ width=”125″ title=”junechallenge” border=”0″ src=”http://whitepeachphoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/30-Day-Button.png” mce_src=”http://whitepeachphoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/30-Day-Button.png” alt=”junechallenge” /></a>



Fun Find..{wall decor}

new fun way to share and show off your wall art, family photographs, and fun letter art.
You can take any wall in any room, probably your own room, and use it for a fun way to show off you latest painting, art work, or family photographs.
here is an example:

This is a wall from Hi Sugarplum, a blog that I follow! She put this wall art in her little girls room! She makes the cutest crafts and a really fun posts on her life.
hailey bop. :)


Film Friday {Sorry I am late...}

I love you all to death, I am so sorry!!
This whole month and a little towards the end of April I have been doing a lot of things late. Not a good idea!! But, i made the dead lines for certain things and I am organizing and cleaning up a bit in my room, right now!! Basically playing a game of catch up, not fun!
I like knowing what is next ad what will happen so this is really odd for me. Until tonight, ever since the 29th of April, I have been crazy having last minute plans and making up school work and tests and on top of all of it FINALS are coming up very soon and I have to Ace like, all of them!!!!
I have been really stressed out and now we are swimming in P.E. and i can tell I am not going to want to swim, for obvious reason, soon. I hope that doesn't happen because, I love to swim!!
So that is basically my life right now! I actually texted one of my friends the wrong text and she read it the WRONG way and thought something totally different was happening, LOL! i hope that never happens again...
So I found a great song to explain all of my hectic life, lately it seems like I need wide open spaces to make changes and clear my mind...

hailey bop :)



Last night melissa and I went to our high school volleyball, boys, team's game!! I had such a fun time! We sat right in front of a bunch of seniors, Melissa was a little scared that she might get yelled at or something, on a count of we are freshman... But, we enjoy the first game with Brian, and then we sat alone for the second game. Mel and I were having so much fun, the seniors had all these different cheers, and we just followed them and did what ever they were cheering! It was really funny. Then during the middle of the third game, I think, our other friend, Carrie, came and were so excited. We then watched the second and third games together! There were lots of times when I had no clue who got the point, why they got the point, and what was going on!! But, for the most part, I understood and was having fun! That is the important part, right? Then the fourth game came and we were winning 2-1 and then it came down to where, if San Ramon got this next point then we would have another game to settle the tie! And they did but, during the fifth game we all stood up and cheered the whole game. Carrie really didn't want to stand up but, it was still cool, and my legs needed to be stretched, lol! So then in the end we won! Melissa really had no clue we won, she just saw a bunch of seniors running down to the team in a big group and celebrating, but we told her and she got it. I was so happy we won and so happy I came with Mel! I hope I cargo to another game at CP!! Thanks Melissa and Carrie for a great night! Hailey bop:)



I love love!!
how else can you live without love?? I know that we will all find our "Soul Mates" no matter how long it may take...
This is my favorite quote about love:

You can't live without risk. sometimes love is a terrible idea, except that it's not an idea. sometimes love leaves suddenly and it's as if you were lying to the other person all this time, or they were lying to you. sometimes you want to be loved your case, if you present the evidence before them as if  in a court of law, they will concede to your argument and love you the way you love them, forever even, and then you'll both get to be happy. But that's not how it works You jump from the plane and hope your parachute opens. The other person is that parachute. So if you can, jump over water, and from not too great of a height. 
-Steven Elliot

I am enjoying all these little bits of love that I get everywhere!! friends, family, strangers, and from God!! xoxo luv ya! I am spreading the love to all those I know!
Tonight from 8-10 P.M. I will be sending FB messages and emails to EVERYONE on my friend lists!!! I hope that you will all join me and send all your loved ones texts, emails, IMs, & chats letting them know just how much you love and adore them, no matter what!
It is important to keep them around and let them know every now and then just how much you care and <3 them!! xXx
here is my first one:
To ashly dickenson
Hi Ashly-
I know we have never spoken before but, I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing athlete and I love your passion for the game and your team mates!! I think you should keep playing through out your WHOLE life!! I know just by your instagram photos just how blessed you are with all your beautiful friends and family!! Hold onto them and always keep them close to your heart!I think you are a beautiful and talented person!! Never give up, have a great rest of your Senior year!
thanks for reading Hailey
I sent it to her last night and she said that I made her day :) see you can make anyone's day if you just say a few kind words <3


Mother's Day Love

So this is my mom. She is beautiful, strong, talented, hardworking, and all-around perfect. I could not have asked for a better mom, she raised me to have all the right values, and make me the happy person that I am. She showed me how to appreciate and understand all the wonders in the world and to live life to the fullest. Shes had to make some big sacrifices for our family, and I want her to know how grateful I am and that its recognized. We sometimes fight, but we are able to talk it out and easily get through it. I'm proud of who I am and its because of her ♥ I love you mom.
 I remember at my fifth grade graduation, my mother could not make it. A few days before we had the radio on and on came this song, she told me that she dedicated this song to me and my sister. At my graduation they played this song and I began to tear up, the next day when my mom came home I told her that that song played and she said that she had asked them to play it just so I knew she was still so proud of me <3 I love you mom!!!
hailey bop <3


Makes me...

{listen to lyrics they are so awesome and I can seriously relate to them :) }
If you know who and what I am talking about you will understand!
I am proud of myself for finally standing up for myself and being a happier me and not such a depressed person!!
I got advice from a few people but, the one that stood out the most in my memory was Monieek. She was very helpful and made me realize things that I would have never thought about unless she helped me and pointed them out to me! I am so happy that I also had: Melissa Torres, Carrie Hults, Ash Kewl, Lissie Stanford, Pilar Souder! :)
you guys truly made the difference and helped me in one way or another along this long path to Happy Hailey <3
LEA <3


Sunday Shine {Dad}

New lovley segment! Sunday Shine, on any given Sunday [not saying I will post every Sunday] I will post about a person that has made my week easier or fun or is just an amazing person to me!
So the first person I wanted to do was my father! My dad and I have been going to my sister's practices with the Saint Mary's College team and we just hang out listen to music and walk around or play ice hockey on the iPad! It is so much fun, and I love the time I get alone with my Dad!!
makes me laugh..

will take any photo..

i love you daddy!!
Lea <3


Fun Find {DIY Mint Facial Scrub}

I found this and ultimately fell in love!! I have always wanted a fun and easy why to make my own facial wash so, this to me is very exciting!! here is how you can make your own:

 The original recipe called for Mint Oil - I swapped it out for Tea Tree Oil
1. I am in love with  scents and 2. b/c tea tree oil is known to help acne spots.

I can not wait to try my first homemade sugar scrub!! I know it will just be fabulous.

These are some of the sugar scrub benefits that you can get if you use a sugar scrub: via
  • Sugar scrubs are the most perfect way of getting rid of the dry, flaky skin that develops over the day.
  • Sugar scrubs are user-friendly for all skin types because they leave no side effects in their wake.
  • They work wonders in preventing skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis because they hydrate skin so effectively.
  • Sugar scrubs are a great way to fight cellulite in the body.
  • Sugar scrubs for face are used not only for skin exfoliation, but also for cleansing and massaging it. The advantage of which is that they do not clog the pores and are easily absorbed into the skin. Thus, sugar scrubs for acne are a great idea (to prevent them that is). Using a sugar scrub on the face will leave it smooth and healthy and will prevent the onset of acne. But even if one has acne, it is still alright to use a sugar scrub (just be cautious with the amount of oil you use).
  • They act as the all body polishing agents as well, leaving clean and smooth skin. This is because they are packed with the goodness of alpha hydroxy which is essential for a glowing skin.
  • Repeated use of sugar scrubs will help one to have healthier, glowing, uniformly textured and colored skin.
  • They are a much better choice than salt scrubs because they aren't as harsh as salt scrubs and are much smoother than them.
  • Sugar scrub benefits also include the fact that they can be used by children without any side effects.
  • Sugar scrubs can be used as a soothing agent after a rough shave.
  • Sugar scrub benefits also run into the fact that they can circulate and stimulate the lymph nodes.
  • It acts as a preventive measure against tanning.
  • Everyday use will also help to formulate a protective layer for the skin and prevent areas like the knees, elbow, etc. from becoming dark.
  • It works on the toughest of skins while providing it with the richness that it deserves.
  • Sugar scrub benefits can also be seen in healing of blemishes.
  • Sugar scrubs can be used on the lips as well. Sugar scrubs for lips works wonders because it helps in preventing chapped lips and skin. If one already has chapped, a single or probably two uses of sugar scrubs can soften the skin.
  • It also helps to soften callused and rough skin, leaving it smooth and fragrant.
  • It is much more smoother for the skin than the use of pumice stones and the like.
  • Sugar scrub benefits also include the probable discontinuation of separate skin moisturizers and cleansers because it has moisturizing properties in it.
  • Sugar scrubs also help to absorb the oils and dirt from the skin and balance the natural oils.
  • It helps to keep the skin constantly hydrated and radiant.
here is a video I found on how easy it is to make it!!
have fun and enjoy your scrub!!
hailey bop <3


Friday Film {My Heart Skips A Beat}

My heart skips a beat for....

This song,
Lenka- My Heart Skips A Beat
i heard it a couple of weeks ago & couldn't find it anywhere then heard it again the other night & googled it immediately before I forgot the words! LOVE IT!

my sister, after realizing that she will be leaving soon[for germany and then next year for college] we have been hanging out more and just loving the time we have together... Anyone else out there feeling pretty blessed to have an older sibling?

posing for the camera!! I haven't posed in front of a camera in a long time and on my birthday my sister took control of the camera and I was a great model, if I dont say so myself...

 You guys!! all my followers and friends, you are what keeps me blogging!! I hope that you are all having a great friday night, asleep... & have a great weekend!

life!!! I am just trying my hardest to love life and its little strings attached... trust me when I say "my life has a lot of them.."

hailey bop. <3


Nothing left to do...

hailey bop. <3
(birthday photos to come very soon..)