Timing is very important in a lot of situations. You have to know how long you should wait, how long you should think about something, & how long you should stay in a relationship.
"..You are great at knowing when to do things & how long to wait for people and things to happen. How long should I wait for...?"
-Private {Email conversation}
Well, I don't think I am great or have perfected the timing of EVERYTHING but, I am good at it. I just try and think about what kind of situation it is and then evaluate it by that. If it is something that I would never waste my time on, like a little fight over gum, I call them right away and say: "I am sorry, I was stupid, this was a stupid fight over nothing! We should not be wasting precious time on this..." Yes, for some people it maybe easier just to let it slide and wake up the next morning and forget about it but, for me I am a conversation kind of girl. I like to get my feelings out & fix all the things I broke. I believe that it is good to get things off your chest. After a while you will have all of these feelings tied up into a big knot in your mind & stomach. It will make you just burst one day & start yelling or complaining about things from one to two years/months ago. People may understand but, they will wonder why you are talking about things so far in the past.
Let go of the past but, solve your issues now. So that in that time of something better you never have to say "remember that fight we never talked about....."
{so I guess this turned into two posts in one, kinda, I hope I explained and help some peeps :) This sure helped me vent}
So true!! {thanks for calling me private, it ok you could have said my name :)} I know you help others, a lot, but I am sure you have lots of trustworthy friends that can help you with whatever you are dealing with. :) Have a great day, hailey
Your welcome I was not sure weather to call you Julia or Private or Anonymous ?? so, I changed it to Private :) Yes, I am so glad I have them but, they have been hard to communicate with lately...