
Blogging manners . written word

So, as a good & honorable blog reader, I learn to have "blogging manners" . They are just, really, simple things that you just catch onto after reading and blogging for a long time :) I wanted to share them with y'all! So, now we can have a more friendly & loving blog world...

 1. Thou shall turn Captcha word verification off on comments.
TURN IT OFF. If you receive a spam comment, it's very simple to delete. I have received very few spam comments in the 2 years I’ve been blogging.
2. Thou shall not be a  “No-Reply” Commenter
Nothing makes me want to pull my hair out more than when I type up a snazzy reply, push send, only to find I sent it to nobody, pesky little Noreply-comment@blogger.com. Please do us all a favor, and take a moment to add your email address to your profile right now. You will get more cookies and love that way.

3. Though shall put careful thought and consideration into their comments
You know what annoys me more than no love? Commenters that don't actually read the post, but comment just to promote themselves. Chances are, if I get a "I'm having a giveaway check me out" or "Come follow my blog," I won't even click the link so don't even try.

You know how good it feels to receive a comment on something you write? Well guess what? The feeling is mutual. If you are taking the time out of your busy day to read something on someone's page, what's another minute to leave a comment with your thoughts?  Feedback is always nice.

Remember: It is not about the quantity of followers, it is the quality of followers.  If you want to attract a blogger to your blog—leave a comment that means something.  Something that will intrigue the blogger reading it and will make them WANT to come to your page

4. Thou shall interact and engage with thy readers
Bloggers who never take the time to reply to a comment. Especially ones I keep coming back to and double especially if I ask a question of them. Girl expects an answer!  Maybe not within the day, week, or year, but eventually dangit! 

 5.  Thou shall not have obnoxious commenting systems
It's a deal breaker for me. I cannot stand ones that won’t allow me to comment unless I sign up. Or require me to input a Name, URL, e-mail, date of birth, SSN, first dog’s name…etc. 

I’ve got an idea, go the simple, old fashioned route of a pop-up comment box.  Here’s a simple tutorial for funsies:

Once there, click the fancy pop-up option.
Comment Form Placement
Full page Pop-up window Embedded below post
The embedded comment form can not be used if you have Post Pages disabled.
Easy peasy, lemon squeazy, ay?

6. Thou shall not have music on thy bloggy. If you had any idea how many people look at blogs at work… Bad news bears.
You can, however, add a page for music. :) {I use Grooveshark, it is a great music playlist maker! you can add the playlists or just one song to a post or any blog page :). You can also post them on FB}

7. Thou shall not have Mission impossible navigation
No subscribe button, no contact information, not being able to navigate the site.  Always have your e-mail address easily accessible, in case I want to send you something sparkly. No search box. *pulls hair* I do not want to delve through 18 months of your archives to find what I’m looking for!

Last but, really not least!! Always have photo{s}, it adds a fun & creative side to your posts & they can be anything! Also, quotes are fun, too!

Source: via Kari on Pinterest


  1. This is seriously so helpful & a great way to have the blogging world happier and nicer! :)
    Love you!! Cola.

  2. haha, I know right! Once I realized these little "rules" I was a much better blogger <3 U2!


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