
I should have known | Film Friday


{just taking it night by night, day by day, journal entry by journal entry & finding my self....}
Hi! I am back, I have snapped back like a rubber band. I should have known that it was going to happen soon. {I will use that line a lot...} I am so happy to be back & e myself again. I love it when I go through the pain & tears because in the end I get rewarded by God's love & strength to move on & find myself again. I should have known he would come through. I love all my friends for the support & coming through with all the sweet hugs!  have to say, I really did need that hug from Pilar today in photo. I should have known it was coming.

Today will be a day known to me as a peaceful day. The day I made peace with the past. I should have known she was going to say it. Aafter talking with my Godmother, cathy, she helped me realize that I can move on without really moving on. I can be happy & regain my life without being mean. I can eat lunch with my friends & not feel bad or sorry. I would have never thought this way unless she guided me through it. I am excited for tomorrow & can't wait to see my friends, all of them. I will wear my smile proudly & for real, this time. I should have known it was ending. Yes it is over but, it is only the beginning!

xoxo..... Hailey ♥


  1. I'm so glad you are in this stage of getting better <3 you know you have my full love and support !!!

  2. Thanks me too! I am so excited to be happy again.


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