my word for 2014 is give. this year i want to give more, whether it's a hug or a gift or my time. i want to give myself fully to the world and share what i have to give! i want to help the needy and help those in my community. show them that there are still good & loving people out there, people that want to help and give them time. i want to listen more and not talk. i want to listen to the beautiful, tragic, loving stories that walk the halls at my high school. i want to give my heart to this world and never regret one moment of it! i know that giving is much better & more rewarding than receiving. i know that He will guide me through this year with hope, happiness, & a heart that won't stop loving until we made it through together.
after i wrote a long list of things i wanted to change this year, this one stood out the most and was in many of the changes. i want to love more and give more of myself to others. i'm going to make 2014 count by giving more love, hugs, kisses, listening, & time.
i'm going to give more of me because i would rather be the one that smiled than the one that didn't smile back.
happy 2014!
This is just encouraging and heartwarming + at the same time, what you want to do this year is pretty similar to mine. May the people who will receive your gift pay it forward :) R U S S