mother knows best .

I love my mother to death! She is always there for me & I know I always can go to her for anything. I wish she was home more often and I know she means well when she leaves & then comes back. I know that she is always one phone call away. I wish I could tell her that I want more one on one time with her but, I just don't know how to put it into words. Sometimes i find myself worrying about what might happen if something where to happen to her. Then I quickly go back to realitly. She is fine, we are fine. Nothing will tear us apart, ever....

She is an awesome mom & she does so much for us, at one time she was working two jobs & I could hardly believe how she did it all. She supports us in all we do. When we go to add up all the bills & things we need to pay she always pays our stuff first {even before the bills} I am so grateful for her kind heart & her strong will. She has been through a lot and we are always here for her like she is for us.

I love you mom! everyday, no matter what.....

She is the most beautiful, strong, caring, & loving mother in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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