
suddenly sunday | three.

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baking. loving. biking. running. reading. kissing. film photos. video from today.
 xx- Hails 

the almost . happenings

{i don't think any of you will read all my nonsense... if you do, i love you!}

you know when you walk away from something or someone, and you almost do something or say something? you know that feeling of regret or sadness because you didn't say or do it? 
i am calling it the "state" of almost. that moment right after or before it almost happens. at first you get butterflies, you want it. you think it will be good and fine after it occurs. then it doesn't happen. you walk away and realize that you did all that worrying all that thinking all for noting to happen. you realize that all your anxiety over the tiniest thing was all for nothing.  you figure you will get the chance again. to say it or do it. to kiss them. to say "i love you". to hug. to love. to celebrate. to be everything you ever wanted to be with them. you figure you have all this time. you think you have tomorrow. you think you can just pick up the phone and call them in the morning. you think that tomorrow you will get your second chance.
i have come to realize, the hard way, that you dont always get a second chance. sometimes it is just that one moment. sometimes it is just that one time that you will get to do or say it. once it is gone, you never will get it back. you are what you are. you did waht you could but deep down you know and will never forget that almost state. when you were about to make things change. i hate that feeling.

i almost didn't hit "publish". . .


off the grid | bye.

I am loving my blog, friends, family, & house. I have been thinking and thinking about lots of things. This may not make sense to some of you but I think it would be best for me to go "off the grid" for a while. No texting, calling, IMing, instagraming, blogging, facebooking, or anything like that. I need time to clear my mind, find myself and really enjoy the simple things. No computer unless for school. I will probably be eating lunch and such with myself only. This isn't because I don't like people anymore. It just makes sense for me right now. I am sorry if this offends you or anything like that. It is not personal to anyone but me. Thank you all for being loving readers and friends to me. I will start this "off the grid" life tonight at midnight. I will then put my phone on airplane mode and not turn it back "on" until I am ready. Thank you and I hope you understand.
Xo- hails
Ps it amazes me how you can blog from your iPhone!!!! If you have anything you need to ask, say or any thing like that. You can email me or text me today before midnight. :) good bye my lovelies!! Love you lots!!

Suddenly Sunday | two.

1.passing my permit test, 2.angie turned 11 {more on that later}, 3.paige turned 8{more later} 4.inspirational mornings, 5.helping a close friend through a rough time, 6.daddy's love, 7.talks with katie!!!!!!!!!



Katie | thank you

Dear Katie,
thank you for the talks these past days. i almost gave up on myself and just gave in to it all. i am glad i had you to turn to. you have made my days more happy. i wish i could see you more often at school. but i know i will never forget your kind words and sweet advice. thank you for everything.

short & sweet {just like fridays. . .}