
Suddenly Sunday | one.

NEW! Notice no Secret Sunday... I know that we are running out of secrets and we dont find the time to come and "reveal" them here. I wanted to change up my Sundays! Make them more fun and happy! :) So here on blessed change we are going to be doing "Suddenly Sunday", you can comment or email me or link up! Here is how it works:
I post my top 7 moments of the week, not because one for everyday but because 7 is my favorite number haha. Then you guys can 1.comment with your top moments from the week, 2. email me with you favorite moments and a bible verse that inspired you that week, 3. you can make you own post about your Suddenly Sunday week & link up with me!! {comment with you blog link to your post.}
I hope you enjoy this new segment, please comment with suggestions, top 7's. 

1.Nate for valentines day!
2.Carrie passing her test!
3.Varsity, last games!
4.Kristen passing her test!
5.Long walks with my mom!
6.100th day with kindergarteners!
7.The fact that I am breathing!!

now, your turn my lovlies!


  1. I'm honored to be in your best moments <3

    Getting my license
    Getting 2 A's on my Spanish tests
    Last Soccer Party -bittersweet-
    Lent -giving up soda-
    Spending time with friends at the movies
    Living the life that I love
    Loving every moment that I am living in

    1. love your list! i am so upset that i forgot about the movies.. :(

    2. Aw dont worry girl (: you had other awesome events !!! <3


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