
My little sister {Melissa}

Today is a very special day! I will never forget it, even when I am old and grey... Today is the day my little sister turns 15!! I can not believe she has been on this beautiful world for only fifteen yrs. and I have only known her for 4.5 of them!! That just blows my mind! I have decided instead of writing a long post that only she will read I will write a list; a list of fifteen things, yes fifteen, I love about my little sis! 1) how she cares for her little brother. No matter how much they fight or anything she is always looking out for the best for Liam. 2) how she cherishes her friendships. She just hates to fight or disagree with her buddies. She loves them sooooo much! 3) her laugh. It could light up a room in a spilt second. 4) her hugs. She gives the best hugs and know exactly when to give them! 5) her sense of humor. If you know Melissa you know how cute and funny she is! 6) the kindness in her heart. Nuff said... 7) her beauty. She is so captivating no matter what she wears or looks like in the morning, or anytime at all!! ;) 8) her creativity. She can create beautiful things from useless things, crafty little girl. 9) her perspective on life & the world. her way of looking at life is just glorious and beautiful! 10) talent. She is such a talented young lady! Just blast some music and watch; she is captivating... 11) sense of style. She is soooo cute and fashionable! 12) her loving heart. She cares for everyone and everything, she believes in. 13) her imagination. She could take you anywhere, anytime... 14) her simplicity. She is very simple and easy-to-please girl. 15) MELISSA. I love who she is, and who she is becoming :) I will never forget you, just remember forever&always... Happy birthday bueatiful girl!! L.O.L. { lots of love } Hailey bopper :) <3 P.s. no photographs because we don't have the comp. only the iPad and I can't do photos on blogger on iPad. Sorry girly

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww! I love you too! This is so sweet, I almost started crying, and you know how hard it is to get me to cry! (well....sometimes. haha) Thank you for the cupcake surprise! I love it! and I love you!


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