

You Make Me Happy by Lindsey Ray on Grooveshark
Everybody has someone that they feel this ^ way about
I mean we all have that one person who can change a day in a split second!
I love it when I do that for others. I love to make people laugh & be happy. :)
who doesn't?! I am very surprised at the amount of poeple these days that are sad or 
confused about a lot of things. Sometimes, yes, you need to stress out about it
but, most of the time just let things happen and relax. You are just trying to live your
life, I get it but sometimes you need to breathe and calm down.
Just think of everything you know that makes YOU happy, not what makes  your kid happy or you best friend but, what makes YOU happy. then, just go do that or just say "I need a moment, please." and then take that moment and just evaulate the situation and breathe. Sometimes it helps to write in a journal & jot down all your feelings
& thought on the subject. :) That is mainly what I do. But, if those things don't work 
then go ahead and try these out
{Via} I love these ones! :) so sweet & of course dancing helps! & Talking with some love is a great medicine!
{this is a great idea you can give it to someone you love or a friend going away for at least a week & you put little inspirational note/quote & some candy!
totally doing this for Angie & I , and the two maybes if they come, at Lake Tahoe! :) }
I hope this helps! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, hello! I am so glad to see & hear you being joyful. I love this post. and this song! :) I danced to it at my wedding with Kay's dad. <3 email me, sweet girl.


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