
Secrets on Sunday {Debut}

 UPDATE******To anyone who anonymously posts a secret here, if you ever need someone to vent to, get advice from, etc, do not hesitate to contact me personally through e-mail.  I have been through some tough stuff and know how alone it can make a person feel at times.  I promise I will never judge, and it will be kept soley between the two of us. There are so many of these I have read which make me wish I could give the person a huge hug and let them know everything will be okay.
So I decided to start a new weekly series called Secrets on a Sunday. My inspiration for this idea came from Whispering Sweet Nothing blog. It will be a chance to anonymously share secrets you've been keeping to yourself and just need to get off of your chest. They can be anything from "I cheated on my math test" to "I cheated on my husband" This is for you as well as for myself (I may post a few of my own) We all have secrets that we have to live with, but the best medicine is not keep them bottled up inside. My hope is that this can act as an escape of sorts for a lot of you. 
1. This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from a regular follower to casual visitor.
2. Post a secret anonymously, no names please (Choose the anonymous option under comment).
3. I do this for you guys - so you can get some weight off of your shoulders. If you are not comfortable with sharing, that is entirely well and fine.
4. I am going to participate as well. One of the comments will be mine.
**Remember: Nothing is off limits and we are not here to judge.

Thoughts? Suggestions?  :)


  1. I lied to my teacher.

  2. I cheated on my math final once.

  3. I think I need to break up with m boyfriend. He has been acting funny, lately. Not sure how or when. But, I know i have to.

  4. Sometimes I think I will be alone forever. I am scared to be alone forever.

  5. I sometimes feel like my sister gets good grades, does work around the house..just so I look bad..I hate it.

  6. I am loosing touch with God, my savior.

  7. Sometimes I wonder when I talk if anyone really listens.

  8. I had sex. I can't tell anyone because they might judge..

  9. I've changed. I am losing touch with God (who I used to be on fire about) and with my friends. Most of them won't talk to me or avoid me because so much drama has occurred in the last couple of months. And now I have come to realize that it is all my fault. I let my emotions get out of control and lost friends because of it. The guy I like is off limits because two of my friends like him. Now I am alone with only myself to blame.

  10. I never wanted to move. I was very scared to move in with my new mom. Now I realize that all those nights I spent crying myself to sleep weren't because I moved but, because I never get to see her again. I want to be closer to God and then I may feel closer to her. I know she is here but, I just dont feel her at all.

  11. I have lost touch with god. I want to feel him and worship him but, I feel like I can't express my feeling about him and my religious beliefs with my friends. It hurts to hear them talk about God and religion the way some of them do.

  12. It's sad for me to think about how I am obsessed with worldly matters. The stupid questions I shouldn't care about: "Am I pretty?" "I'm a loser. I don't want to be." "I'm too fat." "I want to be a somebody. Make a name for myself."

    I just need to learn that these stupid questions are exactly that: stupid. Yet they make up who I am. I guess I'm just scared.

  13. I self-harm, and I can't seem to stop.

    1. Pleas email me, love. We can get through this, together. :)

  14. To all of the beautiful girls that posted & shared their secrets & confessions here. I want you all to know that you can email me anytime to vent or for anything. :) remember you are not alone.

  15. I never know how to tell someone I like them or if I know I like them...life's complicated.


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