

I love love!!
how else can you live without love?? I know that we will all find our "Soul Mates" no matter how long it may take...
This is my favorite quote about love:

You can't live without risk. sometimes love is a terrible idea, except that it's not an idea. sometimes love leaves suddenly and it's as if you were lying to the other person all this time, or they were lying to you. sometimes you want to be loved your case, if you present the evidence before them as if  in a court of law, they will concede to your argument and love you the way you love them, forever even, and then you'll both get to be happy. But that's not how it works You jump from the plane and hope your parachute opens. The other person is that parachute. So if you can, jump over water, and from not too great of a height. 
-Steven Elliot

I am enjoying all these little bits of love that I get everywhere!! friends, family, strangers, and from God!! xoxo luv ya! I am spreading the love to all those I know!
Tonight from 8-10 P.M. I will be sending FB messages and emails to EVERYONE on my friend lists!!! I hope that you will all join me and send all your loved ones texts, emails, IMs, & chats letting them know just how much you love and adore them, no matter what!
It is important to keep them around and let them know every now and then just how much you care and <3 them!! xXx
here is my first one:
To ashly dickenson
Hi Ashly-
I know we have never spoken before but, I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing athlete and I love your passion for the game and your team mates!! I think you should keep playing through out your WHOLE life!! I know just by your instagram photos just how blessed you are with all your beautiful friends and family!! Hold onto them and always keep them close to your heart!I think you are a beautiful and talented person!! Never give up, have a great rest of your Senior year!
thanks for reading Hailey
I sent it to her last night and she said that I made her day :) see you can make anyone's day if you just say a few kind words <3


  1. This is so beautiful just like you!! If I had a FB i totally would but, I will definatly email my friends and family with you and join you in the Night of Love <3

  2. I will definately join in on the Night of Love!!! xoxo call me honey I need to talk to you! <3


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