
Warm Water | thoughts

Tonight, I was getting ready to shower & I was trying the get the water perfectly in between hot & warm. Some nights I love the heat of boiling water & eventually get used to it. Some nights I love the warmth of a "cozy" shower! I just wanted simply in between the two, I thought it was perfectly sane. 

I keep thinking and relating this to other things in life. I want a lot of things to be the perfect in between. Like in a fight you just wish you could compromise & enjoy both things at once. You know you can't but, wish you could.... Life is like that. You spend all most all of it trying to figure out the happy or perfect medium between at the bad stuff & all the really good stuff; you know you can not live with out the bad stuff & the good stuff is exciting & fun! You have to find the beautiful pieces & make your "perfect puzzle".

I have things that I really dont want to talk about with others. I wish I could but, this year I really am focusing on my family & friends. i helped them a lot last year but, not as much as i would have loved; I tried to help with lots of things I could not last year. I will sometimes do posts like this just to vent & they will all be things some how related to what I am going through.

Finding the light at the end... I can always find the beautiful bright light at the end of the tunnel with friends. I have this one very much giving and non-selfish friend; {you know who you are}she has helped me through more than you can imagine. She has shown me the light & beauty in all of this. She has been there for me night & day. She has been going through the same journey and can easily relate to "my story". She is so good at explaining things through IM; we both wish we could be talking in person & I really hope that we could talk soon, in person. However with my crazy homework schedule & supporting Kylie & friends in the soon to come soccer season, I have no idea when I can find a time :'(

I hope you all understand my thoughts and feelings on this. I am just having a tough time & this is my supporting & loving place to vent <3


  1. my lovely beautiful daughter, we all want warm water. we must learn to wait & cherish what we have now.. :) <3

  2. beautifully said <3 i know you can always find that medium!


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