
Her Last Goodbyes {ch.1}

Her Last Goodbyes { Ch.1 }

Note Before Reading......
I am writing this book to release things. Some things maybe true & some maybe false. Some things maybe real & others be imaginary. I hope you enjoy the book & read wisely. If you have ANY thoughts or questions just comment below this post or shoot me an email.

Preview of Ch. 1 :
Leaving Glenwood was going to be the hardest thing I would have ever done. It was hard leaving my friends and really hard leaving Mathew. He was the one person that I could trust. I had hoped he would have been at the air port to say good bye when I left. That was not the case; Matt wasn't there and I wasn't happy with him. We had been super close ever since diapers & I thought we may have had a shot at a long distance friendship but, I guess he decided not to try. I had really hoped that our goodbyes would lead to our new beginning, I really did believe that he would be there to kiss me goodbye & wish me luck on my first trip out of Glenwood. He wasn't &  I wasn't happy.

As we exited that plane I turned my phone back on & switched it over to normal mode. I was glad to be off the plane but, sad that I left everything unfinished with my friends. As I locked my phone, I got a call from Matt.

"Hello?" I said as if I didn't know who was on the phone.
"Hey! How was the flight? Al the guys miss you so much!" He sounded fake. Like he had no recognition of me asking him to say goodbye at the airport.
"It was okay, I guess. I miss you guys, too. Look you and I need to talk but, not now. I have to go and get settled into the house & I will call you maybe on Thursday. Ok?" I was really anxious the talk to him about the incident from Monday.
"Sure. Bye! Have a great first week!" He said like he couldn't be more excited to talk to me about his personal life.

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