
High School . what is to come

King Of Anything [Radio Mix]/Radio Mix by Sara Bareilles on Grooveshark
I need to remember a few things.

patience is a vertue.
love who you are & what you stand for.
be careful of what you say & do.
surprises can be good.
pace yourself.
let yourself be free.
don't be someone you aren't.
make friendships easy, not harder.
don't think too much about relationships.
dream big.
enjoy the little things.
be grateful.
make a change, you want to see.
don't let anyone, ever, dull your sparkle.
collect moments not things.
decide that you want it more that you are afraid of it.
you have to fight through some bad days to get to the best days of your life.
it won't be easy.
life goes on.
weirdness is beautiful.
learn to let things you can't control, go.
let your faith be bigger than your fear.
everyday: do something that your future self will be thankful for.

I realize that somethings, for me will be tricky & difficult. there will be bumps in the road & I will have tears along the way. {& I will remind myself and others it is OKAY not to be OKAY.} However, as long as I stay strong & true to myself, it will end up beautifully.

This year my word is HONESTY.


  1. beautifully written & I love that you can accept these things and move forward.

  2. sweet & glad you can let go & move on. :)


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