
What.... | Ch.5 part 1

Ch. 5 Part 1 He will always be there

"Sorry, I have to go but, I will call you tomorrow?" Austin said.
"It okay, Yes call me! I am glad we can communicate about this stuff & what happened."
"I love you, can not wait to chat tomorrow." he sounded as if he was smiling and could not stop.
"I love you too, talk later"

I really was excited that him and i could communicate about that night. We both agree it was beautiful & amazing but, on the other side we agree we should not do it again for a while. I wish he could stay over every night; not to have sex but, to cuddle & laugh. I know he will always be there for me. Austin told me himself about 5 times a day. I loved his commitment to our relationship. If I was not confident in his love or devotion before, I sure am now!

I spent all day either on the phone with Austin or thinking whether or not to tell my friends and/or Gianna. I knew i could trust them it was just a factor of whether or not I really wanted them to know about that night. I thought of every pro & con I could. I still had not decided & it was 1:23 am. I was so tired my eyes were barely open.

I finally fell asleep at 4am, still no decision had been made. I knew i wanted to tell someone but, who? I wasn't sure if Melissa would think I was a terrible person because I didn't follow her advice & my promise. I knew Gianna would have the least amount of interest in it. She was too wrapped up in her little world of "pain". I thought twice about telling Kelsie. She had not part in my decision at all. I knew Kels would not tell anyone or judge, she just wanted to hear the latest news on the favorite couple at school. She would not ask any questions or anything just hearing that Austin & I did the deed was enough for her little heart. All my other friends were very judgmental and depressed in some way or another. {They just had issues, not even sure I should consider them my friends....}

The next morning I woke up at 6am with only 2 hours of sleep. I was always up at this time, since I can remember, getting ready for my run & morning yoga on the hill with Carrie.  That morning........ it was different I laid in bed for about 20 minutes just sitting there.....nothing to say or think about. I was glad that Carrie finally text me to remind me we had an extra hour to do yoga and extra 30 minutes to run. I finally hopped up and out of bed ate my banana & drank my fruit smoothie. I began walking to our meeting place across the street from my house. {Carrie only lived three houses down from me} I was walking slowly to take everything in; the sun rise, the beautiful birds chirping....everything! I quickly called Austin & said I loved him & that we should meet after my workout at Starbucks. He joyfully agreed & hung up, but not before our good bye's & I love you's. I could not believe he answered, I felt safe & comforted by the thought of his love surrounding me everyday, all day.

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