
story of a flawed girl {wonders}

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Once upon a time there was a girl.
Her hair never looks quite right.
She says the wrong thing more often than not.
And she screws up on a regular basis.
She’s not known for being decisive.
She’s that girl who takes too long to pick out a simple ice cream flavor.
The one who simply cannot decide what to wear in the morning..
valuing comfort and warmth despite looking slightly askew among the Sorostitutes.
Heck, 90% of nights she'd prefer to cuddle up to a good movie/book rather than go rage.
She doesn’t go for the necessarily “hottest” guys, because honestly,
looks don’t matter that much when it comes down to who you will spend your life with.
She gets unbearably moody at that time of month.
She’s honest and unafraid to speak her mind, sometimes to a fault.
She doesn't normally fall for pretensions.
She was the farthest thing from perfection.
And she remembers a saying she has heard time and time again.
Good things come to those who wait.
So she waits.
But sometimes her patience starts running thin, and she so badly wants to quit.
Wants to just give up on it all.
Then she remembers..
Good things come to those who wait.
So she goes right back to waiting.
Because she knows if she really truly aspired to, she could find someone new.
Someone easier to get along with, someone more like her.
But how boring of a life would that make for?
Surely not the one she would want to lead.
In the end, every heartache and lonely night will leave her grateful,
 for all the laughs and the nights she spends with him.
And he will make her the happiest girl in the world, loving each and everyt hing about her.
And it will show her just how perfect he is.
And how glad she is that she waited and didn't give up hope,
yet refused to settle for anything less than the best.
  Perhaps happily ever afters do exist.
Word; good bye, my loves, for one more week. 
Sweet summer, awaits....

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